Community Nebelschütz
with the districts of Dürrwicknitz, Miltitz, Nebelschütz, Piskowitz, Wendischbaselitz.

In the past, the village communities consisted predominantly of farmers, smallholders and cottagers who earned their daily bread in the fields, in the surrounding brickworks, quarries or in the fireclay factory. Today the residents mainly find work in the numerous local small and medium-sized businesses and in the neighboring district town of Kamenz.

The Nebelschütz community supports its traders. This includes the joint annual presentation at the Kamenz trade fair or the joint development of funding opportunities, in particular funding. For this purpose, the Nebelschütz community maintains good contacts with the Saxon Ministry of Economics, the Saxon Aufbaubank, the Dresden Regional Council or the economic development department of the Kamenz District Office.

Right next to the S 100 (Kamenz-Bautzen) is conveniently located the Nebelschütz industrial park. The S 102 motorway slip road connects the municipality with the A13 (Dresden-Berlin) and the A4 (Görlitz-Dresden). A steady positive economic development in the municipality is noticeable. Nevertheless, the Nebelschütz community is also fighting against the increasing emigration of young people to the busy metropolitan areas.


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Städtebauliche Entwicklung

Aufruf zum Flächentausch privater Eigentümer mit der Gemeinde Nebelschütz zur Bauflächenentwicklung.

Baugebiet Nebelschütz

Vom potentiellen Erschließer gibt es aktuell wirtschaftliche Abwägungen zur Fortführung des Baugebietes Nebelschütz (Teilfläche 176/6). Interessenten können unter ihren Bedarf anmelden.