Community Nebelschütz
with the districts of Dürrwicknitz, Miltitz, Nebelschütz, Piskowitz, Wendischbaselitz.



Old kindergarten, Jan-Skala-Straße


Birth growth → old kindergarten too small


Already 39 children from the community of Nebelschütz have to go to the surrounding kindergartens in other communities
Concretisation of the extension plans of the kindergarten
Mario Schubert from Radeberg → Investigation of possible extension options
Residents, educators and children brought in their ideas
Desire: natural, near sports hall, space for music + nice playground
Pedagogical concept with special emphasis on bilingualism, healthy nutrition, physical exercise and education of ecological and sustainable awareness

Jan. 2009

Architect Dipl. Ing. Bultel presents analysis of 4 building plots
community council decides to build a new kindergarten

Aug. 2009

community council decides to invite tenders for an architectural competition

März 2010

Public invitation to tender → total of 77 applicants, 25 drawn by lot

Juni 2010

Thorsten Luka wins and will plan the new ecological kindergarten


Community gets building permit for new KITA

Juni 2012

Notice of subsidy for the construction costs of € 1,500,000


Laying of the foundation stone

Nov. 2013

Start of the earthworks

Dez 2013

Gießen der Grundplatte

23.05 2014

Topping out ceremony companies


Topping out ceremony




First day at the kindergarten "Jan Skala - Bunte Steinchen" (Jan Skala - Colourful Stones)

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Städtebauliche Entwicklung

Aufruf zum Flächentausch privater Eigentümer mit der Gemeinde Nebelschütz zur Bauflächenentwicklung.

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