Community Nebelschütz
with the districts of Dürrwicknitz, Miltitz, Nebelschütz, Piskowitz, Wendischbaselitz.


2024 Baby welcome

On 6 September 2024 at 9:00 a.m., the head of the KITA Daniela Kreuz and the mayor André Bulang warmly welcomed the newborns of 2023. Out of a total of 9 newborns (3 ♀ and 6 ♂), 7 babies came to the KITA for breakfast together. The KITA Nebelschütz performed a great children's programme as a small welcome - a big thank you for this. The mayor also presented the newborns with a small gift.
On this morning, a certificate and a tree were also presented to the KITA on behalf of the parents' initiative and the community.

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2023 Baby welcome

On 08.03.2023, Mayor André Bulang warmly welcomed the children, their mothers and 3 fathers. Out of a total of 27 newborns (16 ♀ and 11 ♂), 22 babies with 21 mothers and 3 fathers came to the community for breakfast. The KITA Nebelschütz performed a great children's programme as a small welcome - a big thank you for this. It was the first baby reception for the new mayor André Bulang, who has been the acting mayor of the community of Nebelschütz since 1 August 2022.
2022 Babyempfang

2022 Baby welcome

On 28.04.2022 at 9:00 a.m. mayor Thomas Zschornak and councillor Silvio Reineke welcomed the children and their mothers very warmly. Of a total of 8 newborns (4♀ and 4♂), 5 mothers had come to the community with their babies for a joint breakfast. The KITA Nebelschütz performed a great children's program as a small welcome - a big thank you for this. For the mayor Thomas Zschornak it was the last baby reception for the time being, on 12.04.2022 a new mayor will be elected in the community.

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2021 Baby welcome

On 02.09.2021 from 09:30 - 11:00 a.m., the welcoming of the newborns of 2020 took place at a common breakfast in the hall of the community Nebelschütz. A total of 10 babies were born, 8 boys and 2 girls. Unfortunately, not all of them could take part in the celebration. This year there was also a financial welcome gift for the newborns. The KITA Nebelschütz surprised those present with a great bilingual dance and singing programme. The mayor presented the group of talented preschool children with a small gift basket of fruit and chocolate as a thank you.
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2020 Baby welcome

Due to the event bans in connection with the Corona Pandemic, the baby reception of the newborns of 2019 did not take place until 08.10.2020. Mayor Thomas Zschornak and councillor Silvio Reineke warmly welcomed the children and their mothers. The KITA Nebelschütz performed a great children's programme as a small welcome - a big thank you for this. The community would also like to thank Mrs. Reineke for her wonderful preparation and support of the baby reception.
2020 10 08 Baby Empfang Neugeborener von 2019

2019 Baby welcome

2018 Baby welcome

2017 Baby welcome

2016 Baby welcome

2015 Baby welcome

2014 Baby welcome

2013 Baby welcome

2012 Baby welcome

2011 Baby welcome

2010 Baby welcome

Mayor Thomas Zschornak welcomed the newborn children of the previous year on 24 February 2010.

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