Community Nebelschütz
with the districts of Dürrwicknitz, Miltitz, Nebelschütz, Piskowitz, Wendischbaselitz.

  • short presentation
district Wendischbaselitz
founding 1969
club number VR 8344
chairman/chairperson Daniel Wätzig
president Daniel Wätzig
cashier Sabine Hübenthal
number of members 77


logo wcv

  • 2025 Plan
    2025 Plan WCV
  • 11.11.2023 Prinzenwahl

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  • 2020 - 50th season with the Wendischbaselitzer carnival club

Grand session on February 8th, 2020
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Wendischbaselitz Carneval Club, a ceremonial session took place on February 8th, 2020 from 7:30 p.m. After a speech by the current royal couple, Marcel II. and Christina II. from Zahnsteinbruch, the evening was all about the slogan of the anniversary season: "The WCV celebrates around, 50 years of motley!". The first couple of princes, Prince Georg I and Sabine I, received thunderous applause and a bouquet of flowers on their 50th anniversary. In addition, some important long-standing ex-eleventh council members received a medal from the Spark marionette. After a fantastic, critically cheerful program and great dance performances by the Sparks and little Spark marionettes (in the new red and white uniform), a cheerful dance evening followed for the ex-prince couples and guests. Donation to the Nebelschütz community.

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