Youth clubs
- Village and youth club Miltitz
- Youth club Nebelschütz e.V.
- Youth club Piskowitz
- Youth club Wendischbaselitz
Sports clubs
other associations
- Village club "Debrička" Wendischbaselitz
- Village club Dürrwicknitz
- Domowina local group
- Elisabeth circle
- Local and cultural association Nebelschütz a.a.
- Krabat a.a.
- Church choir and children´s schola
- Breed rabbit breeder association S 79 Nebelschütz a.a.
- SOWUTU a.a.
- Steinerner Frosch Miltitz a.a.
- Steinleicht a.a.
- Wendischbaselitzer Carnevalsclub 1969 a.a.
There are a number of other associations and companies on the territory of the municipality of Nebelschütz which fulfil completely different tasks than the associations already presented.