Community Nebelschütz
with the districts of Dürrwicknitz, Miltitz, Nebelschütz, Piskowitz, Wendischbaselitz.

short presentation

district Nebelschütz
founding ---
club number ---
chairwoman/-man Agnes Delenk
deputy ---
number of members 12


The Domowina local group in Nebelschütz is concerned with Sorbian history, literature, culture and their customs. They are committed to the use, promotion and preservation of the Sorbian language.
  • 08.10.2023 from 3 pm autumn concert with the band "Horjany" in Nebelschütz Bjesada

- 22.01.2020 ceremony in 75th memory of Jan Skala, KITA Nebelschütz

2020 01 22 Jan Skala Ehrung 4

- 25.06.2020 Reading with Benedikt Dyrlich in the hall/library in Nebelschütz

- 15.05 2022 festive inauguration of Jan skala panels in front of the kindergarten
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