Community Nebelschütz
with the districts of Dürrwicknitz, Miltitz, Nebelschütz, Piskowitz, Wendischbaselitz.

inhabitants (status 31.12.2022) 57
district of the community of Nebelschütz 01.01.1974

The small farming village of Dürrwicknitz is surrounded by undulating fields. In addition to a pond, Dürrwicknitz is enlivened by a number of large trees, among which poplars are particularly noticeable, stately three-sided courtyards, wide archways and the well-formed prayer column from 1789 at the crossroads east of the village.

Mentioned for the first time in 1225 as Witenitz, the meaning of which there are different opinions, the residents have been paying interest to the Marienstern monastery since 1374. In 1374 a Schiban (Upper Sorbian župan) sold Rode, who called himself "Hermann with his real Christian name." (Archive of the Marienstern Monastery) denotes the estate and village of Wetenicz.

Slavic fire pits with broken fragments and charcoal as well as an iron ax came to light during gravel mining on the western edge of the town.

Dürrwicknitz and its 60 inhabitants had been incorporated into Miltitz since 1957, before they became part of Nebelschütz in 1974.

Sources: Hans Neumann and Werner Schmidt, "Westliche Oberlausitz between Kamenz and Königswartha", 1990; Heinz Kubasch, "Heimatbuch"

overnight stays

In Dürrwicknitz there are two guest houses where visitors are welcome and where they can also relax. More information at:

activities in the village

  • 30.04.2022 putting up the maypole
  • 2021 renewal of the children's playgroundSpielplatzDW


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Städtebauliche Entwicklung

Aufruf zum Flächentausch privater Eigentümer mit der Gemeinde Nebelschütz zur Bauflächenentwicklung.

Baugebiet Nebelschütz

Vom potentiellen Erschließer gibt es aktuell wirtschaftliche Abwägungen zur Fortführung des Baugebietes Nebelschütz (Teilfläche 176/6). Interessenten können unter ihren Bedarf anmelden.