Community Nebelschütz
with the districts of Dürrwicknitz, Miltitz, Nebelschütz, Piskowitz, Wendischbaselitz.

Since 2006, the municipality of Nebelschütz invites every summer to the International Sculpture Workshop at the former quarry of Miltitz (the Krabat Stone).

Sculptures made of garanite, sandstone and wood and other materials such as ceramics, metal and pigments are created in the open air.

Artists from the neighboring regions of Saxony, Poland and the Czech Republic gather. During two weeks, they will let you look over their shoulders as they work and provide information about their work.

In this way, art becomes a tangible experience for everyone, young and old. You can experience at first hand how an idea for a picture gradually emerges from a stone or a tree trunk, how forms become visible and impressive works of art are created.

Current sculpture workshop:

18.08. - 31.08.2025

More information:

Previous sculpture workshops

  1. Sculpture workshop (am Steinbruch Miltitz) [ separate HTML-presentation    ]
 Topic: "Vom Block zur Skulptur" Period: 04.09.2006 - 16.09.2006
  2. Sculpture workshop
 Topic: "Kreuzung Bildhauerei" Period: 26.08.2007 - 09.09.2007
 3. Sculpture workshop
 Topic: "Bildhauerwerkstatt Schnittpunkt" Period: 26.08.2008 - 07.09.2008
 4. Sculpture workshop
 Topic: "Lausitzer Granit trifft auf Böhmischen Basalt" Period: 24.08.2009 -  06.09.2009
 5. Sculpture workshop
 Topic: "Steinleicht"  Period: 23.08.2010 - 05.09.2010
 6. Sculpture workshop
 Topic: "Steinleicht"  Period: 15.08.2011 - 28.08.2011
 7. Sculpture workshop
 Topic: "Steinleicht"  Period: 19.08.2012 - 02.09.2012
 8. Sculpture workshop
 Topic: "Steinleicht"  Period: 19.08.2013 - 01.09.2013
 9. Sculpture workshop
 Topic: "Steinleicht"  Period: 18.08.2014 - 31.08.2014
 10. Sculpture workshop
 Topic: "Deutsch-tschechische Begegnung zur Bildhauerwerkstatt" Period: 22.08.2016 - 04.09.2016
 11. Sculpture workshop
 Topic: "Skulptura 2017" Period: 21.08.2017 - 03.09.2017
 12. Sculpture workshop
 Topic: "Struktura 2018" Period: 20.08.2018 - 02.09.2018
 13. Sculpture workshop
 Topic: "Changes 2019" Period: 19.08.2019 - 01.09.2019
 14. Sculpture workshop "Steinleicht"
 without topic (due to Corona only in small scale) Period: 24.08.2020 - 06.09.2020
 15. Sculpture workshop
  Period: 16.08.2021 - 29.08.2021
 16. Sculpture workshop
  Period: 22.08.2022 - 04.09.2022
 17. Sculpture workshop 
  Period: 21.08.2023 - 03.09.2023
 18. Sculpture workshop 
  Period: 19.08.2024 - 01.09.2024
 19. Sculpture workshop 
  Period: 18.08.2025 - 31.08.2025

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