Community Nebelschütz
with the districts of Dürrwicknitz, Miltitz, Nebelschütz, Piskowitz, Wendischbaselitz.

Foto: M. Domaschke
inhabitants (status 31.12.2022) 271
district of the community of Nebelschütz 01.01.1974

The small street village is located 1 km east of Nebelschütz. Since 1974 it has belonged to the municipality of Nebelschütz. In 1374 it was first mentioned in the history books under the name Pazelicz slavicum.

Wendischbaselitz has largely preserved its rural character. Even today, the abundance of trees, imposing farmhouses and the many simple houses along the thoroughfare bear witness to the typical Sorbian rural architecture.

A cremation burial ground of the Lusatian culture proves that the Wendischbaselitz district was already settled 3000 years ago. Even today, this 196 m high and north-westerly situated part of the village is called "Spalena hórka" (burnt hill). The name can be interpreted in several ways: Forest fire, slash-and-burn or dry, sandy soil on which grain easily withers.

Active village life emanates from the youth club "JCWB", village club "Debrička e.V." and the Wendischbaselitzer Karnevalsverein (WCV). The only remaining social meeting place is the youth club at the village pond.

In 2023, a project application was submitted to the OHTL on the initiative of "Debrička e.V.". With this funding, the support of the municipality and the energetic residents, the children's playground at the sports field was renovated. In addition, several pilgrim benches were built by the association and in cooperation with the solid wood workshop (MassivHolzWerkstatt) Horschig.

Sources: Hans Neumann and Werner Schmidt, "Westliche Oberlausitz between Kamenz and Königswartha", 1990; Heinz Kubasch, "Heimatbuch"


The Wendischbaselitz Carnival Association has been responsible for the fifth season in Wendischbaselitz since 1969. The current prince couple and further information can be found here [⇒]

activities in the village

more information here [⇒]


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Städtebauliche Entwicklung

Aufruf zum Flächentausch privater Eigentümer mit der Gemeinde Nebelschütz zur Bauflächenentwicklung.

Baugebiet Nebelschütz

Vom potentiellen Erschließer gibt es aktuell wirtschaftliche Abwägungen zur Fortführung des Baugebietes Nebelschütz (Teilfläche 176/6). Interessenten können unter ihren Bedarf anmelden.