Community Nebelschütz
with the districts of Dürrwicknitz, Miltitz, Nebelschütz, Piskowitz, Wendischbaselitz.

bgm bulang 2022

André Bulang is a qualified agricultural machinery and tractor fitter and has trained as an administrative specialist on the side. Together with his wife, child and parents, he lives in the Miltitz district of the municipality of Nebelschütz.

He has been employed by the Free State of Saxony since 1994 and currently works as a clerk for data management and analysis. In his spare time, he is involved in local associations such as the "Steinerner Frosch Miltitz e.V." or the church choir in Nebelschütz. He is a passionate pilgrim and has covered more than 5,000 km on various routes from Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to Rome (Italy) and Jerusalem (Israel).

With the motto "For honesty, dialogue and investment in our villages" and his plans as future mayor, he convinced the citizens to vote for him on 12 June 2022.

2022 09 01 vereidigung

Swearing in as honorary mayor on 01.09.2022

André Bulang was sworn in as the new mayor of the municipality of Nebelschütz on 01.09.2022 during the 8th municipal council meeting. Matthias Ziesche, as the oldest councillor, presented him with a bouquet of flowers and best wishes for the new office.

articl in SN 02.09.2022⇒

 Main tasks

  1. reduction of the above-average per capita debt of the municipality and introduction of strategic financial planning, which provides scope for future investments.
  2. development of a family-friendly infrastructure for each district, together with the residents. 3. restructuring and modernisation of community work.
  3. restructuring and modernising the work of the municipality.

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