1. Season 1969/70: Georg I. and Sabine I. - Hübenthal / Wätzig
2. Season 1970/71: Georg II. and Renate I. - Domsch
3. Season 1971/72: Georg III. and Luzia I. - Ziesch
4. Season 1972/73: Harald I. and Roswitha I. - Kubasch / Selnack
5. Season 1973/74: Johann I. and Agnes I. - Krahl
6. Season 1974/75: Steffen I. and Brigitte I. - Schmeitzner
7. Season 1975/76: Johannes I. and Regina I. - Bedrich
8. Season 1976/77: Daniel I. and Adelheid I. - Wätzig
9. Season 1977/78: Martin I. and Brigitte II. - Paschwitz
10. Season 1978/79: Horst I. and Gabriela I. - Robel
11. Season 1979/80: Benno I. and Edeltraud I. - Bedrich
12. Season 1980/81: Hans I. and Gisela I. - Hommel
13. Season 1981/82:Lothar I. and Annemarie I. - Rauer
14. Season 1982/83: Bernhard I. and Bettina I. - Delenk
15. Season 1983/84: Steffan I. and Birgit I. - Wella
1984/85: crisis
16. Season 1985/86: Marcel I. and Christine I. - Hansky
17. Season 1986/87:Johannes II. and Elisabeth I. - Lukasch
18. Season 1987/88: Peter I. and Anna I. - Wuschansky
19. Season 1988/89: Rafael I. and Cornelia I. - Waurick
20. Season 1989/90: Heinz I. and Elisabeth II. - Rölke
21. Season 1990/91: Johannes III. and Agnes II. - Delenk
22. Season 1991/92: Thomas I. and Beate I. - Zschornak
23. Season 1992/93: Johannes IV. and Monika I. - Zschornak
24. Season 1993/94: Michael I. and Marion I. - Sperling
25. Season 1994/95: Matthias I. and Martina I. - Mögel
26. Season 1995/96: Christoph I. and Simone I. - Ziesch
27. Season 1996/97: Sebastian I. and Andrea I. - Walde
28. Season 1997/98: Norman I. and Franziska I. - Bedrich
29. Season 1998/99: Thomas II. and Jeanette I. - Paschke
30. Season 1999/2000: Joachim I. and Felicitas I. - Krahl
31. Season 2000/01: Thomas III. and Andrea II. - Lange
33. Season 2001/02: Ralf I. and Lilo I. - Bulang
33. Season 2002/03: Jurij IV. and Sabine II. - Lange
34. Season 2003/04: Steffen II. and Sabine III. - Henkel
35. Season 2004/05: Sebastian II. and Maria I. - Kokel
36. Season 2005/06: Hubertus I. and Eva-Maria I. - Domsch
37. Season 2006/07: Andreas I. and Cornelia II. - Kurjat
38. Season 2007/08: Andreas II. and Anke I. - Noack
39. Season 2008/09: Krisztian I. and Antje I. - Kovacs
40. Season 2009/10: Carsten I. and Annett I. - Wätzig
41. Season 2010/11: Frank I. and Anja I. - Rietschel
42. Season 2011/12: Michael II. and Kati I. - Rietschel
43. Season 2012/12: Frank II. and Claudia I. - Lehmann
44. Season 2013/14: Frank III. and Manuela I. - Domsch
45. Season 2014/15: Andreas III. and Diana I. - Hanusch
46. Season 2015/16: Matthias II. and Herta I. - Ziesche/Delan
47. Season 2016/17: Daniel II. and Bernadette I. - Rietschel
48. Season 2017/18: Jens I. and Sylvia I. - Lorenz/Zschornack
49. Season 2018/19: Michael III. and Christina I. - Wuschansky
50. Season 2019/20: Marcel II. and Christina II. - Haase
51. Season 2022/23: Clemens I. and Celine I. - Reinelt
52. Season 2023/24: Tobias I. and Luzia II. - Schkoda
53. Seson 2024/2025: Clemens II. and Andrea III -