Community Nebelschütz
with the districts of Dürrwicknitz, Miltitz, Nebelschütz, Piskowitz, Wendischbaselitz.

The municipality of Nebelschütz now maintains many partnerships:

In the twinning agreement, the administrations and municipal councils express their will to work together in partnership in all areas of municipal activity. Special attention is given to culture, art and working for the benefit of the young generation. The partner municipalities want to participate in the creation of material and spiritual goods as well as to cultivate regional tradition and history.

The aims of the partnership cooperation are

  • the exchange of up-to-date information and its dissemination to the inhabitants
  • maintaining contacts between different organisations and structures
  • the exchange of experience and experts
  • the exchange of children's, youth and sports groups
  • the promotion of cultural exchange, in particular regular participation in community events
  • cooperation in the economic, technical and environmentally friendly development of infrastructure
  • the support of various citizens' initiatives and the realisation of other concrete ideas of inter-municipal cooperation

More partnerships and initiatives

Municipality of Barleben (Saxony-Anhalt)
Mayor Frank Nase
Ernst Thälmann Street 22
39179 Barleben

Partnership Association IDOL e.V.
Chairman of the association: Dieter Montag (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Ernst Thälmann Street 21b
39179 Barleben
phone: 01776219509

European Academy of Healing Arts e.V.
Contact person: Johannes Heimrath ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
At the lake 1
17440 Klein Jasedow (Mecklenburg)

Clay and Brick Road FAL e.V.
Contact person: Klaus Hirrich ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
At the railway station 2
19395 Ganzlin
Tel. 038 737 20 207

Environmental Centre Ökodorf Auterwitz e.V.
Contact persons: Frank Ende and Andreas Kretschmer
Auterwitz 13
04720 Zschaitz-Ottewig
Tel. 034 325 20 200

Christian Social Education Centre Saxony e.V.
Contact person: Mr. Gutsche
Kurze Street 8
01920 Miltitz

German-French Future Work
c/o Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ
14473 Potsdam
phone: +49 331 288 0


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Städtebauliche Entwicklung

Aufruf zum Flächentausch privater Eigentümer mit der Gemeinde Nebelschütz zur Bauflächenentwicklung.

Baugebiet Nebelschütz

Vom potentiellen Erschließer gibt es aktuell wirtschaftliche Abwägungen zur Fortführung des Baugebietes Nebelschütz (Teilfläche 176/6). Interessenten können unter ihren Bedarf anmelden.