Gmejna Njebjelčicy
z wjesnymi dźělami Wěteńca, Miłoćicy, Njebjelčicy, Pěskecy, Serbske Pazlicy.


Maibaumwerfen und Jan Skala Platten Nebelschütz / mejemjetanje a taflički za Jana Skalu w Njebjelčicach
Sunday, 15. May 2022, 15:00
by CR
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2022 05 15 Maibaumwerfen JCN

Einladung Neb

Dear residents of the municipality of Nebelschütz,
on Sunday, 15.05.2022, commemorative plaques about the Sorbian poet, publicist and writer
Sorbian poet, publicist and writer Jan Skala will be unveiled.
As a guest of honour we can welcome Dr. Peter Kroh, grandson of Jan Skala.
The children of the kindergarten, which bears the name "Jan Skala - Bunte Steinchen" (Jan Skala - Colourful Stones), will offer a cultural programme at 3 p.m. with poems by Jan Skala.
Afterwards, the maypole throwing will take place on the Haćenka.
The afternoon will end with coffee and cake at the dance lime tree with the group "Serbska reja".

Cordially invite
Local community of Nebelschütz, kindergarten, youth club, Domowina local group, local and cultural association

Location : Nebelschütz / Njebjelčicy

Sprache / Rěč / Language

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